General Information


Contribute to the continuous improvement of the academic programs of Engineering and Architecture by performing accreditation processes.


Guarantee the quality of the academic programs of Engineering and Architecture in Costa Rica.

Quality policy: “Ad optimus certamus”

We strive to provide accreditation services for Engineering and Architecture programs that meet the needs and expectations of higher education institutions based on internationally recognized best practices, the principles and values ​​of CFIA and the continuous improvement commitment.


Description: Accreditation is a voluntary assessment process, which seeks to determine if a training program in engineering or architecture meets the established standards of quality. For this purpose, an accreditation model with criteria and procedures that follow the best practices established by the International Engineering Alliance in the Washington Accord and by the best practices contained in the Canberra Agreement for Architecture is used.

The accreditation criteria includes an assessment of the graduates, continuous education, policies and procedures to support the students´ learning process, the academic curriculum and the program setting.

The accreditation process comprises two evaluation steps: The first step is the self-evaluation developed by its own academic community oriented towards self-regulation and the preparation of the accreditation visit. The second step is the hetero-evaluation carried out by academic peers and representatives of the profession that make a visit to verify the information consigned in the self-study document.

The Accreditation Council of Engineering and Architecture programs, is the entity ascribed to the CFIA, in charge of managing the accreditation process of the engineering and architecture programs in Costa Rica, which complies with the main goals set forth in article 4, paragraphs a) and c) of CFIA’s Organic Law, which reads as follows:

  • Promote the advancement of engineering and architecture, as well as of the sciences, arts, and occupations related to them.
  • Promote the educational, social, economic, technical, artistic, and legal conditions required for the evolution of these disciplines and cooperate with the state and private institutions in everything related to aiding the country’s development.

Objectives of the accreditation

  • Assure to the national and international community that an academic program meets the criteria established for providing appropriate training, allowing its graduates to apply for the license to practice Engineering or Architecture in Costa Rica.
  • Stimulate the continuous improvement of the academic programs of Engineering and Architecture.
  • Encourage the recognition of studies made in other countries, for the authorization to practice, within what the agreements, treaties, bilateral or multilateral agreements signed by the country provide.